Saturday, August 26, 2006

IFFL Draft is almost here!

Well, we're only a few hours away from the IFFL draft and everything is set up. Now when I say "set up", I'm not talking about just a table with some chairs around it ... I mean a huge room at a local library with a huge draftboard, a huge banner, a big food table, trophies, a championship plaque, a "Hall Of Defunct Teams", binders for every team, and other various knicknacks. We went all out this year! Most of the hard work was by Dave. Dave, you've outdone yourself. Really awesome job buddy!

The credit for the big draft banner goes to James and Dave H. Man, they did an awesome job on it!

Now THIS is a fantasy draft war room!!!

I hate having the number five pick to be honest. I'd rather be at the later end of the cycle than right smack dab in the middle. But I'll have to "Buckeye up" and deal with it. I expect to get one of two particular players and I have a draft strategy for each. But as we all know, anything and everything can happen in a fantasy draft. You can do all the preparation in the world, but really all it does is help you target players you won't get in the first place. The key to a sucessful draft is to relax, be sober, and have fun.


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